Seller Code of Conduct
At notonthehighstreet, it’s important to us that we’re well-loved and trusted – by our customers, our colleagues and the small businesses who call our marketplace home. So we’ve created this code of conduct – a set of guidelines that help our Partners know what’s expected of them. If that’s you then you agree to comply with what you read here. Because making sure we’re ethical, lawful and responsible as a business is top of our priority list (this may be updated from time to time.)
Product Listings
The Advertising Standards Authority (the ASA) is the organisation responsible for regulating advertising across all media in the UK, including marketplaces, through the Committees of Advertising Practice rules (CAP Code). You must comply with all relevant codes and guidance that the ASA has in place for advertising products to sell online.
What are misleading practices?
You must avoid misleading practices. Misleading practices can be anything related to the selling of your products. For example:
Misleading pricing (ie if your lead image shows a more expensive, enhanced version of your product alongside a base price relating to a less expensive, less enhanced version);
Misleading product descriptions or false claims about your product (such as unsupported ‘eco-friendly’ claims);
Important product information which is missing, exaggerated or prevents a customer from making an informed decision about buying a product (ie the makeup of a product/material like an ingredients list)
Partners must:
Ensure that products listed for sale on the NOTHS website do not materially mislead customers.
Ensure that the correct details are given online for the main characteristics of the product (the description, including the imagery of the product), the price of the product, the makeup of any product/material (for example, an ingredients list), any delivery fees and the Partner’s contact details and address.
Ensure that price statements do not mislead customers. The price must relate to the product listed for sale on the NOTHS website.
You must comply with all applicable competition laws (such as the Competition Act 1998), including but not limited to those relating to teaming and information sharing with competitors, price-fixing and rigging bids.
Notonthehighstreet’s zero-tolerance of slavery and human trafficking
Modern slavery is a crime and a violation of fundamental human rights. It can take various forms such as slavery, servitude, forced or compulsory labour and human trafficking. We are committed to ensuring that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in any part of our business or our supply chains. We have an Anti-Slavery and Anti-Trafficking Policy that reflects our commitment to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business relationships and to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls. To do that we need your help. We expect the same high standards from you that we set for ourselves and we expect you to hold your own suppliers to the same high standards as well.
Our expectations of you
We expect you to:
(a)Make sure you are complying with the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and hold your suppliers to the same standard; and
(b)Ask your suppliers for information so that you better understand the risks of modern slavery in your supply chains and the steps you could take to minimise those risks.
Partners must:
Ensure full compliance with these principles.
Have measures in place to prevent, detect and report modern slavery in any part of your business or supply chains.
Avoid any activity that might lead to, or suggest, a breach of these principles.
How would you spot the signs of modern slavery?
For some advice on how to spot signs of modern slavery and address them, please see our guidance here.
We believe that everyone should be treated with respect and dignity. We do not, and we do not expect our Partners to tolerate discrimination of any form stated within the Equality Act 2010. This includes but is not limited to, discrimination by race, disability, gender, religion and harassment.
We ask that you maintain a respectful work environment that is free of discrimination, violence, harassment and intimidation. Any form of harassment is prohibited, whether it be physical, sexual, psychological or verbally based.
As a Partner, you must:
Make sure you follow all applicable laws and abide by all NOTHS policies.
Act in a manner that ensures a safe, trustworthy, reliable and positive experience for NOTHS customers.
You must never:
Engage in any misleading, unethical, aggressive or offensive behaviour. This applies to all your activities, including but not limited to:
information provided on your account;
information provided in listings, content or images;
communication between you and NOTHS, or you and other Partners in the community, or you and our customers; and/or
your personal conduct outside of being a Partner including, for example, on social media accounts.
Notonthehighstreet’s zero-tolerance approach to tax evasion
NOTHS conducts its business honestly and ethically; it does not tolerate tax evasion or anyone facilitating tax evasion. Under the Criminal Finances Act 2017, a company commits a criminal offence where tax evasion is deliberately and dishonestly facilitated by a person acting in the capacity of an ‘associated person’ (for example, an employee or agency worker) to that company. You must ensure that you and all associated persons to you comply with these laws – this includes making sure that you notify HMRC of your business activities, whether or not you reach the threshold for VAT registration.
Notonthehighstreet’s zero-tolerance to bribery and corruption
The making or receiving of bribes, payments, things of value or other benefits to obtain or retain improper advantage is prohibited.
Avoid giving or receiving lavish gifts or hospitality to anyone working for or with you, including potential suppliers. If offering a gift or hospitality to someone (for example, a NOTHS employee), you should use good judgement and ensure it complies with applicable laws and is consistent with local customs.
Eco-efficiency and resource reduction
We ask that our Partners consider the environment and sustainability when operating their business. This could include: who you use as part of your supply chain, packaging and product materials, resource-efficient consumption of energy, water and other natural resources, minimising waste and diversion from landfills, and reducing harmful chemical use.
Hazardous substances and chemicals
All Partners must abide by all applicable laws for hazardous materials, air emissions, waste and wastewater discharges. If any hazardous materials are identified, you should ensure their safe handling, movement, storage, use, recycling or reuse and disposal.
Although it’s rare, if you are contacted directly by a media outlet to discuss matters concerning NOTHS (whether directly or indirectly) or if you have any genuine concerns in relation to your or other Partners’ conduct, you must report it to NOTHS immediately through ‘Raise a Support Enquiry’ in the CMS under ‘Other’.
Last updated: 1 March 2022