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The original idea for the beepalace came from Nick Edmunds, a founder of beepalace and an experienced gardener living in Hampshire, England. It took over three years to design and manufacture a nesting place for 'solitary' bees that was also a beautiful piece of garden architecture.

Made in Stoke on Trent the beepalace is a hand-glazed ceramic nesting place for 'solitary' bees. These amazing bees are among the most important pollinators we depend upon for much of the food we eat and the flowers we enjoy. They do not make honey and they do not sting or swarm and can therefore nest in small gardens. The beepalace is entirely made in England in a frost proof ceramic. it is currently available in seven colours - ivy, lime, sage, blue, ochre, pink and cream. They are a focal point in a garden and look stunning in groups.

They should be hung about six feet from the ground in a southerly direction in a sunny part of a garden. Because they require pollen and nectar there should be plants, fruit trees, shrubs, or herbs in the vicinity of a beepalace.

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