The Teff Creations Company | Storefront |
chocolate cookies are suspended in the air

About TTCC

Creators of the Superblend Bites. The smart alternative to ultra-processed snacking.

The Teff Creations Company are unleashing the potential of ancient supergrain teff, starting with their range of Teff Cookies.

Do you know what teff is? A few of you are nodding. But not many. And that’s fine. Actually, that’s good. Because we’re here to share teff’s incredible nutritional benefits with you.

Teff is an ancient grain that has been eaten for centuries in Ethiopia and is credited as the nutritional powerhouse behind many endurance athletes, particularly runners. It's high in iron, fibre (incl. resistant starch), manganese, phosphorus, zinc, and is the only ancient grain to contain vitamin C. It's also almost always eaten in its wholegrain form as it is so tiny that it's difficult to remove the bran and germ during milling. Teff has been shown to support weight management, improve gut health, and boost physical endurance. The Teff Superblend Bite range is created with natural ingredients, no unnecessary additives, and no refined sugar. They are the ultimate high performance snack.

black and white gift boxes with quotes on front of boxescinnamon sultana cookies form a patchwork chocolate date cookies form a patchwork

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Returns Address

The Teff Cookie Company, 135 China Works, 100 Black Prince Road, London, SE1 7SJ, GB

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