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Illustrait me custom portraits

About us

Welcome to illustrait me! We create bespoke illustrated portraits to make the perfect, personalised present for your friends or family.

illustrait me consists of husband and wife, Chris and Jo. They live together in sunny Sussex and share a love of walking up mountains, gin drinking, gig going and design. Chris has worked as a graphic designer for 13 years and Jo has a keen interest in photography, design and interiors.

On the 1st of February 2013, Graphic Designer Chris finally made the decision that he was going to propose to Jo, his girlfriend of 7 and a half years. Having a love of typography, he didn’t want this to be your average proposal; no, he decided he was going to take each letter from ‘Will You Marry Me?’ and design each character individually.

Individual custom portraitCouple custom portraitFamily custom portrait

The illustrait me story

Well, one of these beautifully designed characters made by Chris and used for the proposal was an illustrated print of Jo and Chris holding hands to create the letter M. They went on to use this design for their Save the Date cards and for their order of service leaflet. After some discussion, they thought that designing personalised illustrations would also make great gifts for people, so they went about creating a print for each of their bridesmaids and groomsmen which would be presented on the day of the wedding. Since then, Chris and Jo have been collaborating on illustrait me prints and have been commissioned by friends and family to make bespoke portraits celebrating birthdays, weddings and anniversaries. In January 2017, Chris and Jo launched the illustrait me website and social media stream, hoping to share their lovingly created, bespoke illustrations with everyone.

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7 Ashdown Court, Vernon Road, Uckfield, East Sussex, TN22 5DX, GB

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