Unique Gift Ideas and Personalised Gifts | notonthehighstreet.com

notonthehighstreet.com is passionate about making small businesses bigger. We work with over 1,800 UK small businesses, or partners as we like to call them, showcasing their products to a wider audience than they could reach themselves. Whether they are designer-makers starting out or independent retailers sourcing the next big trends, we choose to work with just a small selection of partners we know will provide quality items our customers will love.

The Make Awards celebrate these businesses – their creativity, their passion for design and the impeccable customer service they offer.

The awards will highlight the people behind the businesses, the stories behind the products, and celebrate the very best from within our seller partner community.

Our seller partners have nominated themselves within four categories and our customers voted for their favourite products and partners.

Voting has now closed and the winners will be announced here and in our weekly customer email in June.

Images supplied by moobaacluck and jonnyssister