Kirsteen Stewart | Storefront |
Kirsteen Stewart


This Scottish fashion brand presents bold collections of clothing and accessories, designed and inspired by life in Scotland.

I design vibrant womenswear and accessories which are infused with my signature blend of vivid colours and bold graphics. I share my design process and techniques as inspiration for others so you too can explore, play and develop your own creativity.

Building on experience brought from across the globe , including fashion houses of New York and tech developers from China. My pieces are designed for life, offering sustainable options on simple shapes and high quality, practical fabrics allowing you to bring a pop of personality or a riot of colour into your outfit with ease.

Based on the magical Orkney Islands, my work draws on the rugged landscapes and my experience of island living. From dramatic open skies, rugged coastlines and the ceasesless motion of the seascapes, to the graphic lines of maps and the movement of the light.

My prints are designed by hand and digitally . I enjoy playing with scale, texture and motion as my references are interpreted into print.

Speir Hoodie dressYou are teatowelArt Duo mug gift set

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Viewforth, Burray, Orkney, KW17 2SY, GB

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